viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

Hello! This is the last posting and I am a little sad for that because I think that writing in English was very useful to learn more. Now I can write better because I have more vocabulary and I learnt how to use the verbs correctly, well, sometimes.
Normally I hate writing because my drafting is awful and I don't have much imagination or memory to write much words, but I feel comfortable writing this blog because I know that it helps me to practice my vocabulary.
About the blog as an evaluation tool, I think that it is great to see how we learn, more than by listening, because it's a creation and not a behaviorism, and is the best way to learn because is significant for the student.
In this point I think it's important to write about how I learn English because when I was a kid I saw a lot of movies in English and I think that it helped me to learn the pronunciation. I don’t know why but always I wanted to learn more about English, sometimes I look up for books and I do exercises about the things that seem more difficult and the things that I know, to practice. Well it help me to have a sister interpreter, she talks to me in English so I have to know how to talk to her.
In the future I want be a bilingual teacher because is very easy for the kids learn another language more than an adult. And in this world that the globalization is present in all topics of our life it is very important that we all know different languages.
As a conclusion to this blog I think that it was a great experience in my learning process.

viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

The best place, Viña del Mar

First I should say that I like Santiago, the only problem is the weather, in summer too much hot and in winter rain and I hate rain.
The second place that I like the most is Viña del Mar, but only for vacations, not to live. I like that that is a place for young people, there are many places to have fun, to eat and to walk, this is the best thing, walking on the beach. Really, I always go, I mean, every time I can I go with my boyfriend for the weekend. Another advantage is that is near to Santiago, the bus takes only two hours so I can go only for one day too, especially when I have to do many pieces of homework.
Another important thing that makes me happy with this place is that there are some of my friends and when I stay there they make my stay very enjoyable :D
In winter I like going because the weather is very nice and staying on the beach all day relaxes me a lot.
In the picture we can see the beach, but generally it's full of people, even in winter. We can see some of the buildings too, in this city there are many buildings, mainly on the edge of the beach, some of the citizens don’t want those ones because it covers the beach.
The best place in Viña is Valparaiso street, I always go to eat at one of the many food places because it has much variety, I must admit that I don’t like a lot of food but here I always find a place to eat, principally french fries.
Well, I’m waiting winter vacation to go and see the beach again.