This articule that I selected is about a new policy to dismiss bad teachers. In this column write four experts in education, which are: Katharine Birbalsingh, a former deputy headteacher; Alice Robinson, president of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers; Stephen Twigg is Labour's shadow education secretary and Sally Llewellyn, who is mother of four children.
Katharine explains that the young teachers lack of motivation because they have no respect for the profession. The old teachers sometimes are not good but they are still working, not like doctors or lawyers. Besides union power defense teachers and prevents that they are dismiss.
Alice reference to the problem of bad teacher is for the system , if a teacher works much time in a grade and it is good, change it's a bad idea because he needs time to adapt to this new level.
Stephen says that policies have been implemented, however is not enough, it should be implemented new methods for the evaluation of the teachers.
And Sally, the mother of four kids, thinks that is necesary for the kids that the school have good teachers, because she says that poor teachers damage the children's learning.
I really like this articule, is very intresting. The link is: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/jan/13/removing-bad-teachers-panel-verdict?INTCMP=SRCH
See ya!
4 comentarios:
My dear friends,
I watch the article and is very interesting and I think that all our classmates could read this.
I read this notice too and I think that are interesting, but we have to do a critical read about this themes...
Romi, I agree that teachers should be good teachers and resopnsables of what they teach. But I think that the government should be further improve their working conditions so they can perform better in their activities.
See you Friday ... :)
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