Hello, I really like this topic but I think that the people don’t practice usually. All of us talk about the importance that care the environment, but just a few really do something, like recycling or plants trees, or the most important, leave the car in home and use the public transport. Principally because there’s not public policy about the theme, so people don’t inform about the forms to participate.
Personally, I don’t do many things, I recycle in the place that is possible, but in my house don’t do. But I always put the trash in the right place, I never leave in the floor or another places where is not appropriated.
I don’t use a bicycle because I don’t have but I try to walk when I can, and I try that my father don’t use the car so much, when he can walk.
If don’t support eco-organizations, is for I don’t have the money to do that but I’m agree with the thing that they do.
I always try that the people that is near me take conscience about take care the environment and about the importance of this problem, because in a few years our world could be destroyed for our fault, because we don’t have good practice whit the environment and just live without caring about the others.
In our city the care the environment is not a theme, people don’t do many things because is all very quick and nobody have time for think in the people who live around us.